Return & Refund Policy

Order Cancellation

To cancel your order, please follow these steps:

1. Log in to your account on our website.
2. Once logged in, navigate to the "My Account" section.
3. Under the "Order Details" section, locate the specific order you wish to cancel.
4. Please know that cancel requests are only available during the first 3 Hours after you placed your order.
5. Click on the "Cancel Order" button to initiate the cancelation process.

If the order has already been shipped, it cannot be canceled. Please wait for delivery and contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to initiate a return.

Rejecting an order upon delivery or failing to follow the proper return process may result in loss during transit or rejection at our warehouse, which could void your eligibility for a refund or replacement.

30-Day Full Refund Return Policy
We offer free returns and exchanges for all items under the following conditions:

  1. Product Condition: The product must be unworn, with tags attached, and in its original packaging. buyer pays return shipping ($120 per bike), Failure to meet these conditions will result in a 30% restocking fee and $120 return shipping per vehicle.
  2. Mileage: The product must have less than 10 miles of use. A 30% restocking fee will be charged above this limit. And $120 return shipping per vehicle.
  3. Return Timeline: Drop off the product to the logistics provider within 7 days of receiving the return label. A $12 fee will be deducted if the drop-off exceeds this period.
  4. Accessories & Gifts: All accessories and gifts included with the product must be returned. If not, their original price will be deducted. Missing keys will result in a $50 surcharge.
  5. Packaging: If the original packaging is unavailable or damaged, ensure the replacement packaging dimensions are less than 61"x12"x39". A surcharge of $1,000 will apply if the package exceeds these dimensions.
  6. Inspection: After the product is returned, it will undergo a quality inspection, which may take up to 12 business days. The refund will be processed based on the results of this inspection.

Return Process
To initiate a return, customers must contact within 30 days of delivery. Returns requested beyond this 30-day window will not be accepted.

Return Authorization:

  • Customers must receive prior authorization and a prepaid return shipping label from Cycrown. Using the original packaging is preferred, but other packaging will be accepted.

To start the return process, email us at with the subject line "[RETURN REQUEST]" and include your order number for faster processing. Please use the provided shipping label for all approved returns.

Pre-Orders, Backorders & Cancellations
For all pre-orders and backorders, payment is collected immediately upon placing the order. There will be no payment delays, regardless of when the item is expected to ship.

Accessories & Replacement Parts
Accessories and replacement parts may be returned within 30 days of receipt. They must be unused, free of wear, dirt, and dust, and returned in their original, unopened packaging. Customers are responsible for shipping costs in both directions.

Non-returnable/Non-refundable Items
The following items are non-returnable and non-refundable:

  • Batteries
  • Gift cards
  • Gifted orders
  • Products from unauthorized resellers

Items damaged due to misuse or human error
Refunds will be processed within 5 working days after the returned e-bike has been inspected at our warehouse and will be credited back to the payment account.

Note: Do not ship any items back before receiving approval. For all return requests, please contact us via email or phone.